Rina, one of the few survivours deciding to move back to her village after the disaster. "We used to be more than 250 and now we are less than 40. That night we saw the devil! Nothing has been the same since." All the inhabitants were forced by the police to leave their villages even if many houses were still intact, but in the following years some of them decided to reoccupy their own houses, living for more than 10 years without water and electricity. On October 9th 1963 a giant landslide collapses into the artificial lake created by the Vajont Dam in northern Italy, provoking a 250 meters high wave that completely destroys the settlements near the lake and the town of Longarone far down in the valley below the dam. 1910 people lost their lives in a tragedy that easily could have been avoided if it was not for the economical and political interests of powerful men dreaming of the tallest dam in the world. A tragedy that is still alive today in Erto, Casso and Longarone, where the survivers of that disastrous day almost 50 years ago are still fighting for their justice.